Anthony Hartono
Hailed as one of the most talented young pianists in his home country, Anthony is a multi international piano competition award winner who has made his appearances in Asia and Europe as performing artist, chamber musician and accompanist. By the age of fourteen, he has made his solo recital tours in six major cities across Indonesia. Some of his major competition accomplishments include first prize (absolute award) in Vittoria Caffa Righetti International Music Competition in Italy, third prize in Lia Tortora International Piano Competition and first prize in Ananda Sukarlan Award International Piano Competition in Indonesia, among others. An avid soloist and chamber musician, Anthony has performed with the Sibelius Academy Orchestra and worked with many renowned artists such as Antti Siirala, Nelson Goerner, Mikhail Voskresensky, Philippe Entremont, Jahja Ling, Philip Fowke, Sasha Starcevich, Roger Vignoles, Gary Hoffman and Ananda Sukarlan. Anthony holds a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore, under Albert Tiu and Masters of Music in Piano Performance from Sibelius Academy in Finland under the tutelage of Teppo Koivisto. He launched his first CD recording in 2017, performing works by Sibelius and Sukarlan, produced by The Grand Pianos Official on a Fazioli piano.